Healthy Lifestyle Tips | Just thinking about shaping up, losing weight, or eating healthier makes many women exhausted. Changing habits is hard work, but sometimes we approach healthy lifestyle changes in the most difficult way possible. Instead of picking your biggest challenge, consider starting where you know you can be effective, where you can get some lasting bang for your buck, and where you can start growing motivation and momentum.

Here are five relatively painless and struggle-free tips to help you create lasting healthy habits:

  • Get some zzzzzs. Sleep affects just about everything we do and without enough sleep, we all tend to unravel. Inadequate sleep affects your cravings, your metabolism, your energy level, mood, activity, focus and motivation. If you aren’t regularly getting seven hours of sleep a night (or more) this is the first area to address. If you are exhausted and try to keep going, you aren’t likely to be effective and you’ll probably be drawn to mindless “zoning out” activities that are really just busy work. Go to sleep instead.
  • Identify your trouble spots. Don’t just focus on what you want to do. Be smart and identify the things that have led you off track in the past. A positive attitude is great, but a proactive plan for how you will do it differently this time is even better.
  • Grow tools for managing emotions and stress. Emotional eating (including stress eating) is one of the primary causes of overeating, weight gain, and weight regain. Without the strategies you need, stressful situations can trigger very unhealthy (and self-sabotaging) responses such as overeating, smoking, alcohol use, avoidance, or numbing out in front of the computer.  Hard times are also the time when many women abandon or lose track of health, fitness, and wellness goals. Instead of only focusing on what you’ll eat or when you’ll work out, invest some energy in addressing any real issues that are the trigger for the habits you are trying to kick.
  • Don’t lose yourself. One of the biggest reasons that busy women get off track is that they get distracted by other life demands. Designate a time to check in with yourself—at least weekly—and evaluate how things are going. Use this time to schedule the additional time you’ll need throughout the week for exercise, stress relief, meal planning, etc. Post your goals somewhere where you will see them and be reminded of them regularly. Make sure you identify milestones along the way to your big goal and reward yourself for reaching them.
  • Keep it positive. Don’t ignore your mindset—it has the power to impact your mood, your energy level, your choices and your progress. Focus on what you’ve done rather than what didn’t happen. Acknowledge the accomplishments (change is difficult) and celebrate your achievements along the way. Adopt the mantra, “I’m doing my best” instead of “I have to get it perfect” and you’ll be much better prepared to keep going when the going gets tough, recognize your progress and your efforts, and take good care of yourself along the way.
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Is Eating A Lemon Healthy For The Body | Lemon is one of the controversial fruits of our times. Not as popular as cherries, bananas, apples or strawberries because of its bitter taste, lemon has more health benefits that one might imagine.

I personally like lemon; I eat it every chance I get and I cannot get enough of this sweet-bitter taste! Brought in the area of the Mediterranean Sea by Arabs, it originates in India from the tree called “Citrus Limon”. Romans used this yellow, oval-shaped fruit in their food in order to improve its’ taste and give it favor. Today, lemon is not only used for culinary purposes but also for therapeutically and medical purposes as it contains anti-cancer and antioxidants properties.

The fresh lemon juice is a rich source of Vitamin C which is vital to our body. So the answer to the question “Is eating a lemon healthy for the body?” is definitely yes. It is quite recommended actually.

Lemons are especially rich in citric acid which is an important ingredient for foods giving them a special flavor and a bitter-sweet taste that is mostly appreciated .However important lemon might be in our daily food, the culinary benefits of lemon cannot be compared to the numerous and important health benefits that lemon provides us with.

Today most people drink their water with a slice of lemon in it or with freshly squeezed lemon juice mixed with water. Besides the refreshing feeling we get during a hot summer day, the health benefits of lemon juice are numerous and I will try to resume myself to the mist important of them. Lemon juice has digestive abilities and can be used to relieve belching, bloating and heartburn, which are all symptoms of indigestion. Consumed regularly lemon juice can help you with all sorts of digestive problems and can act as a liver tonic.

Lemon is used also in dental care in order to reduce pain caused by cavities or gum infection. Gum bleeding can be stopped by massaging the gums with lemon juice. Lemon is very good for skin care and its’ rich content of Vitamin C can remedy wrinkles and blackheads and can rejuvenate the skin, acting as an anti-ageing agent. Lemon is found in the composition of many daily skin-creams and its’ effects are visible after only a few usages.

Lemon can control high blood pressure due to its’ high percentage of potassium and can relax your mind and body. It is used most commonly in weight-loss diets in the form of lemon water. It works wonders for people trying to lose weight.

So, is eating a lemon healthy for our body? Do you still need an answer to that question? I think not. Or maybe we should just add that it would be great if you could eat more than one lemon a day. I would do wonders for your health!
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Healthy Eating And Longevity | Aging is an issue that concerns people all over the world. It always has and it always will. Nobody wants to age before their time, and let’s face it getting older sooner than we should is no rollercoaster ride.

Scientists from all corners of the world have been trying for ages to reverse the aging process and provide longevity to people. There are all kinds of cosmetic products that promise you a long lasting baby face or vitamins that make you live 10 years longer than you are supposed to.

Even from ancient times, people have been trying to maintain their youth and prolong their lives. Let’s not forget the famous Cleopatra, who was well known for taking long milk baths in order to preserve the youth of her skin. However, we are constantly searching for solutions in all the wrong places. Did we ever stop to wonder if not healthy eating and longevity are strongly connected?

Let’s remember our ancestors! They were much healthier and they definitely lived longer if not affected by disease or war. Their food came from their gardens, it was not treated or refined, and they drank the milk directly from their cows, their fruits from the forest and drank their water from the rivers and wells. They worked hard day after day. They lead a healthy way of life if we really take a second to think about it. Their days were for working and their nights were for sleeping and not the other way around.

Nowadays, the word “longevity” has almost entirely lost its’ actual meaning. We refer to longevity mostly in the sense of “life expectancy” which is something completely different. The life expectancy is decreasing with every year, due o unhealthy food, alcohol, smoking, sedentary and all the diseases related to these vices.

Healthy eating and longevity are indeed strongly connected in today’s world. We should try and eat as healthy as we can: vegetables, fruits, fish, and low calorie products. As far as alcohol is concerned, do not abuse it, but also do not completely eliminate it from your eating habits. A glass of wine every now and then is actually good for your heart. Just make sure that it is only a glass, and only once in a while.

Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants which have many positive effects on the body. They are known to represent a “fountain of youth” if consumed daily. Don’t forget to exercise no matter the age. I have a neighbor who daily takes out her bike and goes for a 2 hour ride in order to remain fit. She is 70, looks 50, extremely healthy and energetic.

My longevity family line fills me with hope. My great grandmother died at the age of 93, proving that healthy eating and longevity do have a common point. She lived most of her life in the country side and she was a great fruit lover.

So, don’t lose hope. We can all live long and healthy lives. It’s in our hands.
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Health Benefit - Eating Eggs | Eggs represent one of my favorite foods. I am not joking. Boiled, scrambled, fried, pickled, in whatever way they are cooked they have always represented one tasty course for me to eat. If you let me, I could eat scrambled eggs every morning as funny as it may sound it is my number one food choice.

Eating eggs health benefits are nowadays well known to most people and we have started eating eggs not only for their tasty flavor but also for the benefits they bring to our health. It is one of the ways though which we could “mix business with pleasure” if I may say so.

But what are exactly eggs and where did they first came to use? Eggs are an oval shaped cell laid by different species of females. The eggs we eat are mostly chicken eggs, turkey eggs and duck eggs. They are made of a protective eggshell, albumen or otherwise known  egg white and vitellus or egg yolk. Men have eaten eggs since prehistoric times. All sorts of old paintings and cave cravings show men raising chicken and carrying large baskets of eggs. Therefore, eggs have had a long life as a nutrient and their tasty flavor and health benefits have managed to preserve eggs among people’s largely consumed food.

Let us take a look of the few eating eggs health benefits. They contain significant amounts of vitamins and minerals like vitamin B6, vitamin A, vitamin B12 as well as iron, potassium, calcium, folic acid and phosphorus. That is quite a composition, don’t you think? The best thing about eggs is that we can find them all year long in all sorts of supermarkets, top shell and at affordable prices.

Maybe the widest known benefit of eggs is that they protect against macular degeneration and they are a real eyesight protection because of the antioxidants found in the egg yolk: zeaxanthin and lutein. These two components protect the eyes from sun radiation and keep them healthy longer.

Eggs are very good in weight-loss diets as they can control your body’s rate of absorbing calories. They are also recommended if you want to maintain your weight. They are not fattening and they help your body control its’ weight.

It seems that eggs also provide us with choline, a substance that helps the brain development and gives us brainpower. Our body does not produce this substance in large amounts, but it is ok, we can take it from eggs. Eating eggs health benefits do no stop here. Eggs are recommended during pregnancy also because they contain choline that is very good for good fetal development. The protein found in eggs is a source of lasting energy and it stops us from consuming unhealthy snacks during the day. The egg yolk contains anti-clotting proteins that prevent blood clots and reduce the risk of heart attacks.

Overall, I think the health benefits of this little oval shaped food are quite numerous. So, do not forget, eat at least two eggs a day!
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